(Emma Humphreys unique illustrations)

For prices see our ETSY store

🔷️ Multicultural Pebble People 
🔷️ Solar System Rocks  
🔷️ Face & Emotion rocks (25 pebbles 50 images)  
🔷️ Life cycle frog  
🔷️ Life cycle bean 
🔷️ Life cycle butterfly  
🔷️ Multi life cycle x 3  
🔷️ Nativity Story Pebbles 
🔷️ Lapland Pebbles 
🔷️ StoryTelling Rocks (natural stone) 
🔷️ Rainbow Rhyme Rocks 
🔷️ Rainbow Maths (0-20, 5 functions) 
🔷️ Rainbow Alphabet 
🔷️ Rainbow Alphabet Animals 
🔷️ Fruit &  VegePebbles  
🔷️ Food chains
🔷️ Food Web
🔷️ Water cycle
🔷️ Elements of periodic table 
🔷️ Marine Life Pebbles 
🔷️ Weather Rocks 


The Story Spoon Company ® 

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Love to Learn - Toys to Teach

Stirring Imaginations

